Wediquette Wednesday: A Year of Etiquette

Wediquette Wednesday: A Year of Etiquette



Yesterday, we looked back at some of the more popular articles from the “Let Them Eat Cake” 2021 archives. Today, we wanted to take this Wediquette Wednesday to look at your favorite etiquette-related posts and questions.

Etiquette comes into play in many wedding-related situations. Who pays for what, who sits where and who to invite are just a few of the more popular questions asked to our resident wediquette expert, editor Melanie Warner Spencer.


*Note: questions and answers have been shortened for brevity. Click the link at the end of each to read the full wediquette post.


  • How do I tell my bridesmaids they are no longer in the wedding because it was scaled way down due to COVID-19?

The best thing you can do is fill your bridesmaids in with the new plan and do it as soon as possible. Feel free to call or video conference each one individually or together. Just don’t do it via email or text, unless you are unable to get them on the phone or video conference in a timely fashion. Read the full question/answer here.


  • How can I tell my parents I don’t want to invite certain people to the wedding?

Generally, couples give parents a certain number of invitations to use as they wish. If there are people who make you feel uncomfortable or you don’t want to share in your day for any reason, it’s important to discuss this with you parents. Read the full question/answer here.


  • Do we have to have a rehearsal dinner?

The beauty of planning your wedding is that it can be, or not be, anything and any way your heart desires. If you’d rather use your budget dollars elsewhere, go for it. Read the full question/answer here.


  • Should my brother’s girlfriend be included in the wedding photos?

If your brother were dating Jenny only casually, it would not be expected to include her in the photos. Since they’ve gone exclusive however, even for a short time, that changes things a bit. First, ask yourself: … Read the full question/answer here.


  • How early is too early for guests to arrive at a wedding?

It’s thoughtful of you to always try to arrive on time. (But don’t be too hard on yourself about occasional lateness. It happens to all of us.) Your instincts about there being a “too early” arrival time are … Read the full question/answer here.



Lagniappe Questions:



Do you have a wedding etiquette question? Send it to Melanie at [email protected].




Wediquette Wednesday: A Year of Etiquette

About Dian Sastro

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