Brazilian shoppers turn to hybrid beauty and skincare breakthroughs

Brazilian shoppers turn to hybrid beauty and skincare breakthroughs

Color cosmetics and their role in consumer beauty preferences, routines and applications have shifted in recent times, says Mintel. Brazilian consumers have used makeup less frequently and, at the same time, have invested more in skincare products, its findings show.

How is the Brazilian makeup space changing?

“Recent Mintel research not only suggests a movement of Brazilian consumers toward functional makeup, but also illustrates which demographic groups are more oriented to adopt this approach,”​ said Amanda Caridad, Senior Beauty and Personal Care Analyst, Mintel Reports Brazil.

Face masks have influenced this changing behavior, which Cardidad said “represents a new challenge to Brazilians”.

Looking at beauty consumers in Brazil, Mintel also found that the majority of these consumers in Brazil declare their skin as combination (32%) and oily (27%). With mask-wearing the norm over the past 18 months-two years during Covid-19, ‘maskne’ has also become one of Brazilian consumers’ main facial skin dilemmas amidst the pandemic.

Hybrid products that overlap beauty and skincare are therefore proving popular. “In this scenario, make-up brands have the opportunity to penetrate in the facial skincare category by developing hybrid makeup/facial skincare products that blur the lines between those two categories,”​ said Caridad.

In addition, a quarter of Brazilians are following a simple facial skincare routine, which means they are using fewer products and steps on a daily basis, said Mintel. The movement towards a minimalistic approach requires multitasking products that consumers can easily incorporate into their routines to solve different concerns simultaneously.

About Dian Sastro

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